Current Trends:

Digital Health
#health technologies
#medical technologies
"Digital health" describes the engagement with and use of digital technology in ways that promote physical, psychological, and social well-being. A basic requirement of digital health is a positive and respectful approach to technology and online communication. It is a fact that the healthcare system is undergoing major changes due to digital transformation. Therefore, an understanding of global trends and technologies that scale up digital health is a must for leaders both in the health sector and elsewhere. Personalized medicine as well as technological advances in genomics and mobile health are just a part of the ongoing development. With the increasing amount of health data gathered worldwide, big data technologies have also significantly gained in importance for the health sector. As part of this development, new roles are emerging for the population and patients as producers and managers of their own data. Switzerland as a country has a pioneering role in the democratization of personal data and digital health.


#big data
#data science
#transformation management
The financial sector is currently undergoing a major transformation which is primarily instigated by digitalization and has an enormous impact on providers serving commercial and retail customers. Changing customer experiences and developments in areas such as regulatory compliance, cybercrime, cryptocurrencies, smart data, and artificial intelligence are leading to FinTech disruptions of the financial service industry. The future workforce needs to acquire new skills to embrace digital innovations and collaborate effectively with diverse value contributors in a business network. To remain competitive, future leaders must develop mastery and proficiency at the intersection of finance and technology.


Innovation Management
#business model innovation
#disruptive strategies
#disruptive technologies
Innovation management is a combination of the management of innovation processes as well as change management. It can refer to products, business processes or marketing and organizational innovation. The implementation of business model innovation processes from initial approaches to agile methods takes time and is often a long journey within a company. Disruptive innovation that comes e.g. with digital transformation introduces patterns that lead established companies to fail and new entrants to win. The field of innovation management further covers innovation portfolios, technology and product life cycles as well as the organization of innovation itself.


Sustainable Finance
#current trends
#sustainable development
Sustainable finance addresses the latest findings of research and practice on sustainability in finance. In recent years, sustainable investment strategies have become increasingly important for private and institutional investors. Economic, ecological and social sustainability are becoming core issues for the financial sector of tomorrow. Besides economic goals, successful financial institutions increasingly need to pay attention to the active incorporation of their clients' ethical values.


Text Search:

#consolidated financial statement
#financial management
#financial transactions
Accounting is all about recording a company’s financial transactions. This includes their aggregation, analysis and reporting to external parties. As a valuable tool for the financial management of companies of all sizes, consolidated financial statements are indispensable for financial decision-making and the measurement of a company’s economic performance, among other things. Our courses cover all of the important tools for consolidated financial statements and for the overall financial management of a company.


Artificial Intelligence
#computer science
#neural network
"Artificial intelligence" refers to the theory and development of computer systems capable of performing tasks that usually require human intelligence. Examples include manufacturing robots, smart assistants, self-driving cars or disease mapping. The buzz around this technology has grown exponentially and it is bringing with it breakthrough innovations in virtually every sector, industry and function. To thrive in a business environment where artificial intelligence is becoming increasingly ubiquitous, companies have to move quickly and take advantage of the digital transformations taking place.


Asset Management
#financial markets
#investment instruments
#portfolio theory
Asset management covers the process of capital investment, i.e. the compilation and management of a securities portfolio. Capital market theories such as the portfolio theories of Markowitz or Black-Litterman serve as its theoretical underpinnings. From determining an investor's needs and selecting appropriate investment instruments, to monitoring and measuring the return on a securities portfolio, all important areas of the investment process are covered.


#banking management
#core business areas
#corporate banking
#digital banking
Our courses provide a practice-oriented insight into the latest developments both in the Swiss banking sector and on the international financial markets. The core areas of private banking, retail banking, commercial banking and investment banking are taught in a management-oriented and cross-disciplinary manner. Furthermore, central topics such as banking regulation and risk management, leadership, banking operations, corporate banking and management accounting are covered.


#data sets
#decentralized storage
A blockchain is a continuously growing list of data records, called "blocks," which are linked together using cryptographic methods. Blockchain technology has gained unprecedented momentum over the past few years and is likely to bring about new customer experiences and regulatory requirements in the near future. This innovative technology has the disruptive potential to transform business models and processes from the ground up.


Business Management
#business administration
#general management
#strategic management
Business management, or business administration, is the study of the principles of running a business. It offers solutions to the unique challenges faced by managers, from setting up a business strategy to supervising business operations and beyond. This includes fields as diverse as financial and investment management, controlling, business organization, strategic business management, human resource management and marketing. Knowledge of business administration is essential for managers of all levels in a company, but also for individuals wishing to set up their own business in the future.


Change Management
#business process
#business solution
#information technology
#organizational change
Change management is a systematic approach to the transformation of an organization’s goals, core values, processes, or technologies. In a successful change management process, steps include identifying the need for change, preparing and supporting employees, incorporating the necessary measures for change as well as monitoring the pre- and post-change phases. In the digital age, companies face the necessity of strategic and organizational change at an increasing pace. For (future) leaders, it is therefore crucial to know how to prepare their firm or their team for change. Based on real-life examples, effective concepts and tools can help to master all the challenges associated with this process.


Chinese Market and Culture
#business administration
The Chinese business environment is rapidly evolving and its influence on the world stage rising. In order to manage successfully in China, it is crucial to understand the specificities of business and management in Chinese firms. Thorough knowledge of the cultural foundations that inform managerial behavior in China is key to understanding and keeping pace with this quickly developing market environment.


Climate Change Finance
#application and implication
#climate policy
#climate scenarios
The relevance of climate change for the financial sector is increasingly making itself felt. Climate change finance aims to fund mitigation and adaption projects that reduce emissions and increase the resilience of human and ecological systems against the negative impacts of climate change. Different climate change models and metrics are taken into account in exploring how climate risks can translate into financial risks and how the financial sector can react to these new challenges.


Corporate Finance
#capital structure
#company valuation
#investment policy
Corporate finance focuses on the investment, financing and liquidity policy of a company from a finance perspective. Investment policy concepts enable companies to identify value-generating projects and investments in order to increase the entire company’s value. A company's financing policy shows the effects of the capital structure on the company's value and the choice of instruments available for financing investments. In addition, corporate finance covers topics such as value-based management and financial publicity.


Cross-Cultural Competence
#business administration
#international business
Managing in cross-cultural companies with international employees requires a nuanced understanding of the cultural similarities and differences between all involved parties.The ability to understand, communicate and interact with people across different cultures – this is the hallmark of cross-cultural competence. Our courses offer you in-depth insights and equip you with all the tools necessary for successful business management across international borders.


Data Science
#computer science
#data mining
#information science
#information technology
#machine learning
The amount of available data worldwide is growing exponentially. With the so-called "Internet of Things," this development will accelerate even more in the coming years. Big data is a field that offers tools to analyze and systematically extract information from data sets that are too large, too diverse or too complex to be dealt with by traditional data processing software. Agile digital companies around the globe are already using big data methods to their advantage, but these methods are also gaining importance for other companies that want to, e.g., implement targeted addressing of customers or forecast sales volumes. In our courses, participants gain an introduction into the most recent methods for collecting, processing and analyzing large amounts of data.


#black-scholes model
#structured products
Derivatives are financial instruments whose value depends on the price of other investment instruments, such as equities or commodities. These financial instruments can be used for hedging, for arbitrage purposes and for speculation with low capital investment. Structured products, then, are a combination of traditional instruments, such as equities or bonds, and derivative financial instruments. A significant advantage of structured products is that they can be used to improve the satisfaction of investors' needs, as new types of risk-return profiles can be constructed.


Digital Health
#health technologies
#medical technologies
"Digital health" describes the engagement with and use of digital technology in ways that promote physical, psychological, and social well-being. A basic requirement of digital health is a positive and respectful approach to technology and online communication. It is a fact that the healthcare system is undergoing major changes due to digital transformation. Therefore, an understanding of global trends and technologies that scale up digital health is a must for leaders both in the health sector and elsewhere. Personalized medicine as well as technological advances in genomics and mobile health are just a part of the ongoing development. With the increasing amount of health data gathered worldwide, big data technologies have also significantly gained in importance for the health sector. As part of this development, new roles are emerging for the population and patients as producers and managers of their own data. Switzerland as a country has a pioneering role in the democratization of personal data and digital health.


Digital Transformation
#change drivers
#digital infrastructure
#digital value creation
“Digital transformation” refers to the development processes set in motion by digital technologies which affect companies in particular. In the business world and in society at large, digital transformation influences people's lives and habits at the workplace and at home. Digital infrastructure and technologies are among the main drivers of digital transformation, with customer expectations often triggering digital transformation processes at companies. In the courses related to this topic, current and upcoming digital trends are covered and their challenges and opportunities assessed.


#buying processes
#electronic information technologies
#selling processes
E-commerce, also known as online or internet commerce, refers to buying and selling processes using electronic information technologies, and is increasing in transaction volume worldwide as a result of digitalization. This includes mobile commerce via smartphone and commerce via PC or laptop and it can take place on a business-to-business or business-to-consumer level. Online trade offers specific opportunities and risks that should be taken into account when setting up and managing an e-commerce company.


#gross domestic product
#unemployment rate
The area of economics deals with current political and economic challenges. In the field of macroeconomics, the behavior of the economic system as a whole is considered. In particular, macroeconomics is concerned with the interrelation between key macroeconomic indicators of an economy, such as the inflation rate, GDP growth, the national budget and the unemployment rate. In addition, economics deals with the questions of how variables change in the short and long term and which economic policy measures influence overall economic development. Microeconomics focuses on decisions of individual companies and individuals. These decisions are based on the economic actions of people under the assumption that the needs of economic subjects have to be satisfied while there is scarcity of resources.


Emerging Market Finance
#bank lending
#emerging market bond
#market economies
#risks and opportunities
Emerging markets are economies that display characteristics of developed markets but do not fulfill all standard requirements yet. Those markets usually offer greater growth opportunities than the markets of industrialized nations, but also considerably higher risks. Emerging markets might face political upheaval or natural disasters that seriously impact economic growth and therefore increase the risks of investing. An in-depth understanding of macroeconomics and asset classes, as well as risks related to investments in emerging markets, is crucial.


#behavioral ethics
#business ethics
#ethics implementation
#moral competencies
#normative principles
Ethics is a system of accepted beliefs that guides standard human behavior. In virtually no other area does the tension between the factual and the normative, between existing practice and morality seem as great as in business ethics. There exist different theories of business ethics and various ways of reflecting upon business ethics. Questions of the economic order (macro level) and business ethics (meso level) are covered as well as individual ethical aspects of human action in the field of economics (micro level). Furthermore, this topic covers moral values for companies. Behavioral ethics, a new field of social scientific research, aims to understand the actual behavior of real people when they face an ethical dilemma.


#big data
#data science
#transformation management
The financial sector is currently undergoing a major transformation which is primarily instigated by digitalization and has an enormous impact on providers serving commercial and retail customers. Changing customer experiences and developments in areas such as regulatory compliance, cybercrime, cryptocurrencies, smart data, and artificial intelligence are leading to FinTech disruptions of the financial service industry. The future workforce needs to acquire new skills to embrace digital innovations and collaborate effectively with diverse value contributors in a business network. To remain competitive, future leaders must develop mastery and proficiency at the intersection of finance and technology.


Innovation Management
#business model innovation
#disruptive strategies
#disruptive technologies
Innovation management is a combination of the management of innovation processes as well as change management. It can refer to products, business processes or marketing and organizational innovation. The implementation of business model innovation processes from initial approaches to agile methods takes time and is often a long journey within a company. Disruptive innovation that comes e.g. with digital transformation introduces patterns that lead established companies to fail and new entrants to win. The field of innovation management further covers innovation portfolios, technology and product life cycles as well as the organization of innovation itself.


#risk management
Insurance was developed as a result of business and individual needs. Insurance companies play a key role in the functioning of the economy at a global and local level by facilitating the sharing of risks. This enables individuals and companies to protect themselves from the financial consequences of losses. As a result, additional entrepreneurial activities can develop, as companies and individuals can better manage their risks. Therefore, insurance companies increase economic growth as well as social development.


International Management
#international business
International management is the management of business operations in organizations that serve different markets and operate in more than one country. Business managers that are in charge of such cross-border activities need to understand the different business contexts, recognize management challenges and develop an understanding for the consequences of cultural differences in organizational practices. This is key to developing an appropriate people management approach across national borders.


Leadership is both a research area and a practical skill encompassing the ability of an individual, group, or organization to lead, influence or guide others. As organizations quickly recognize the need to reinvent themselves at a faster rate, they are increasingly seeking leaders who demonstrate agility and an innovative spirit. In the area of leadership, the focus is to lay the foundations for successful further development of leadership skills for everyday working life. Furthermore, participants learn what constitutes successful leadership and are taught methods of effective influence. Another important skill is to know how to provide feedback and how to manage conflicts in one's environment. Finally, learning to motivate people is also crucial for leading a company or a team successfully.


Legal and Compliance
#compliance risk
The importance of understanding the legal and regulatory requirements within one's own sphere of action as a company has increased. It is important not only to know the legal requirements that apply, but also to know how to act in compliance with them. The role of a lawyer is to manage legal risks and provide legal services that support the company or the department. Non-lawyers must also have a certain level of knowledge in the legal field that applies to their company. Compliance designates the process of complying with legal and regulatory requirements and industry standards. The field of compliance involves the design of business processes that are consistent with the legal and regulatory requirements. Since the risks and costs associated with legal breaches and compliance failures have substantially increased, it is crucial to address legal and compliance risks. This is done by deepening a company's and its employees' legal knowledge, thereby increasing their ability to face this rising risk.


Machine Learning
#data mining
#data training
#neural network
#supervised learning
Digitalization is having an increasingly strong influence on the way in which people and computers interact. Because digitalization is making computer science increasingly important in the economy and in society as a whole, machine learning is becoming increasingly relevant for companies and individuals in the future. Machine learning is a subfield of artificial intelligence and deals with the recognition of patterns that are generalized after a learning phase and thereby enable the development of solutions using large data sets and algorithms. This topic offers insights into the latest developments in modern computer science – in particular with respect to artificial intelligence – assesses their impact and enables participants to react appropriately to the upcoming changes. The field of machine learning further includes an overview of the most important innovations in deep learning for text and image data. Additionally, ethical and legal issues and limitations of the technology are featured.


Marketing and Communication
#communication types
#digital marketing
#marketing channel
Marketing and communication describes the use of different marketing channels and focuses on any way a business communicates a message to a specific desired market, or the market in general. When running a business, it is important to understand the fundamentals of marketing-oriented corporate management. In order to elaborate and implement a systematic marketing concept, a manager has to know and be able to apply the key levers of marketing management. On a strategic level, one takes the values and objective of the company into account to elaborate a long-term marketing strategy. On the operational level, one has to coordinate and implement the actions within the different analogue and digital marketing channels. Nowadays, cross-media marketing and brand communication as well as providing innovative service concepts are topics of increasing importance.


Personal Development
#maturing process
#personal growth
Personality development is an essential part of the maturing process of one’s own personality. Personality is constituted by the thought patterns, feelings, and behaviors that distinguish individuals from one another. It is important to emphasize the impact of the personality as it influences the performance of a leader regarding trustworthiness, reliability, and effectiveness. While some characteristics of an individual's personality are rather static and hardly changeable, there are others that can be shaped and developed.


Real Estate
#inventory mgt.
#transaction mgt.
#urban mgt.
#urban-rural mobility
The real estate industry involves a variety of professions whose fields of activity range from planning, construction and management to modification and further development of existing buildings and settlement areas. This is the task of economists, lawyers, architects, social scientists, geographers, engineers and development planners. In these fields, a multidisciplinary approach is often a necessity. As a complement to your previous academic degree, the Master of Advanced Studies UZH in Real Estate is an ideal stepping stone for your next successful career steps in the real estate industry.


Risk Management
#finance theory
#mathematical concepts
#practical insights
#risk measures
Risk management deals with the identification and measurement of different risk types within a company. Important mathematical techniques and concepts from finance theory are applied to quantify different types of risk. This enables one to take appropriate measures in the management and optimization of these risks within a company. In order to succeed in the long term, a company has to know the risk types that apply to it and manage them actively.


Strategic Management
#strategic group
Strategic management is the coordination of an organization’s resources to achieve its goals and objectives. Strategic management includes setting objectives, analyzing the competitive environment, looking at the internal organization, evaluating strategies and ensuring that management implements the strategies across the organization. Therefore, a manager has to know the different levels and functions of strategic management. On the one hand, there are methods to analyze the external environment of an organization (e.g. environment, industry, strategic group) and, on the other hand, there are methods to conduct an internal analysis. Based on the analysis of the strategic resources a manager can derive competitive potential for the organization. Newer developments in the field of strategic management are for instance the blue ocean strategy or managing disruptive innovation in a changing environment.


Sustainability focuses on meeting the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their needs as well. The concept of sustainability rests on three pillars: economic, environmental, and social—also known informally as profits, planet, and people.


Sustainable Finance
#current trends
#sustainable development
Sustainable finance addresses the latest findings of research and practice on sustainability in finance. In recent years, sustainable investment strategies have become increasingly important for private and institutional investors. Economic, ecological and social sustainability are becoming core issues for the financial sector of tomorrow. Besides economic goals, successful financial institutions increasingly need to pay attention to the active incorporation of their clients' ethical values.


#business taxation
#corporate taxes
#tax planning
#tax system
In the field of taxes, corporate taxes are discussed from a business perspective. Central to this is an understanding of the respective tax system and its basic terms. Furthermore, tax accounting, tax planning and strategic tax planning of companies on an international level are addressed.


Urban Management
#area development
#real estate development
#urban development
#urban management
#urban planning
Urban management addresses problems in urban, area and real estate development and is concerned with the interaction between individuals and the built environment. Understanding how people and businesses act in space enables one to anticipate the primary reactions of involved parties to spatially relevant interventions and investments. Development strategies can thus be defined and communicated in a way that is appropriate to the audience. With suitable control instruments, coordination problems in urban, area and real estate development can be addressed.


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8050 Zürich


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Affolternstrasse 56
8050 Zürich



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8050 Zürich
